Sunday, August 19, 2012

Old Postcard From Arcosanti

I understand why I found this old postcard while looking through files relating to indigenous Americans -- no doubt, placed there because of the design -- but now it is of additional interest as it is a message from my old friend, now deceased, Robert Minichiello AKA "Mad Zebra" AKA Brad Mitchell.  If you cannot read the text on the postcard, I repeated it in print at the bottom of this entry.  As the design was on pottery, I jointed the image a few times to make a more continuous line of -- dancers?  For a couple of summers, Robert worked with other architecture students from this and other countries on building Soleri's Arcosanti outside Phoenix.

The note on the postcard:  PREHISTORIC POTTERY DESIGN.  This design was used by the Hohokam Indians of southern Arizona during the Sacaton Phase, A.D. 900-1150 -- by Nancy Sciscenti

Dear Jim,
I'm staying at the Soleri studios and am very happy with the work and weather.  Los Angeles was dreadful except for Watts Towers which give off faith from every piece of it.  My room has a skylight to see stars with.

Love, Mad Zebra

Return address:  c/o Soleri Cosanti Foundation, etc.

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