Thursday, December 01, 2011

Stacking Rocks

For a slide show, hit the title, "Stacking Rocks," above.  But here are seven of the photos (with black and white versions of two of them) of what an Oakland poet is creating in his yard.

1 comment:

Stuart said...

Stacking these rocks
is alot like writing,
plenty of words
(you can find them anywhere)
endless revisions
(or Carver's term: re-visions)
rules of syntax (balance)
and geometries (shape)
and an over-arching respect
for gravity, challenging
us to leap.

Thanks for the photos & poems
& flattering title of "poet"
though "storyteller" is more accurate,
with a nod to S. J. Perelman who said,
"On the notion that one word lead me to another,
I might just get somewhere..."

-S. A. Robbins