Night Gude on Alcatraz, Jim Breeden, led the tour group up the hill on Alcatraz, stopping now and then for chapters in his fascinating and thoroughly researched presentation on the Indian Occupation of Alcatraz.

He reported on the twists and turns of that event, and the changing attitudes of both the indigenous people who wanted to take possession of the island, and officials in Washington, D.C., who reacted in widely different ways. Jim's ironic revelation: President Nixon agreed with the indigenous people that they should be given possession of Alcatraz.
Many in the tour group may have been from other parts of the world, yet it was surprising that when Jim asked how many of the Occupation, only Martha Hubert and I were aware of that history. Later, in the room dedicated to that history, we talked about the occupation with a young Chinese man who was sorry that he was not demonstrating with his friends in HongKong.